This is not fantasy. It really happened. Countless archaeological excavations confirm it, as do historical writings. The Bible makes mention of it in several places, most notably in Leviticus 18:21 – “Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molech, for you must not profane the name of your God.” It seems a terrifying practice to us today – and would certainly be condemned by any rational group of people. And yet…
Our nation continues this practice. The procedure we call abortion is today’s equivalent of the sacrifice to Molech. Oh, there will be those who say they are not the same. They are wrong. Our nation is condoning, and even encouraging, the sacrifice of our own children at the altar of convenience. If a child in the womb is thought to be an inconvenience, or if the parents become fearful of any ailments the child may have, or even if there is no reason behind it, we are allowing parents to kill their own children. Politicians hide behind excuses involving the health of the mother, but ignore the fact that the vast majority of abortions are performed for other reasons. And far from prosecuting those who would go through with such an abomination, many in our nation advertise and rally for it. Government-funded clinics provide counseling in an effort to encourage mothers to terminate their children, and then government funds are made ready to pay for the procedure. My tax dollars are being used to fund a practice I find morally reprehensible – and there is nothing I can do to prevent it. Put simply – a part of my paycheck funds abortions. I cry out in protest.
Our new president made the claim that decisions regarding abortion were really “above his pay grade” during the election run-up. And yet, three days into his presidency, he signed back into law the funding of abortions in other countries, using American tax dollars. Forget the fact that this is an unconstitutional use of taxpayer money. Forget that we are already in the largest deficit spending situation in history. The bottom line is this – more babies will die because he put his signature on that piece of paper. And that is nothing short of an abomination. God told us in Leviticus – it profanes the name of God. And guess what? We are told that we should not weep over the process – it’s just a mass of cells. Is this sounding familiar?
My initial reaction was anger. That has passed, and all I’m left with is profound sorrow. We should be weeping over the murder of our children, and the pagan sacrifice that is being made in every city of our nation – every day. It is estimated that over 50 million babies have been killed in the United States alone since 1926. And over 950 million babies have lost their lives globally during that period. God save us! What is happening to our children?
The time to act is now. What can we do in the face of legalized practice and precedent in one of the most “civilized” nations on earth? I would suggest three things. First, drop to your knees right now, weep, and ask God for forgiveness and clarity of purpose for our nation and our world. Don’t wait – our first step should be toward God, because only He holds the future and has promised that righteous prayers are effective. Second, find the local pro-life pregnancy counseling center in your town and volunteer time and money to help with the fight. And third, do not ever cast another vote for an elected official who does not wholeheartedly support the reversal of the practice of abortion. One by one, we need to install leaders who understand the everlasting curse that is abortion – and the abiding blessing that children provide us. And by God’s grace, we will return to a world that sees the truth of this concept.
We can read ancient history, and be incensed at the pagan practices we see there. The parallels between sacrifices to Molech and our nation’s own abortion practices are striking. And none is more startling to me than the one that tells parents that they should not feel remorse over the loss. Weep with me over the lost children…and help change the world.
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